About Us

our mission

Reaching nations through golf by impacting leaders in the spheres of society. Develop a YWAM circle of golfers in the mission to be able to: help resource their local golf programs, share global opportunities like golf conferences and golf outreaches.

since 1960

YWAM Golf is a ministry of YWAM. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international, interdenominational missions movement, dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and to glorify God in all of life.

This vision for discipleship in the golf world began at YWAM Kyiv, Ukraine with the launching of a simple driving range in a local park. Thousands of golf balls and sets of golf clubs were donated and sent from the YWAM Slavic Ministries, USA to help start this ministry.

Years later, Russell Aden and Rosen Klepel joined Kelly Hoodikoff to further develop this ministry serving the emerging golf community develop throughout Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

In 2014, YWAM’s first Golf Discipleship Training School was launched in Phoenix, AZ with outreaches to Palm Springs, Mexico and Argentina.

Why Golf?
Golf is a relational sport that naturally allows you to be able to meet highly influential people in each of the spheres of society. It also open doors to developing nation where golf is just beginning to develop. Golf gives you four hours of conversation with a few other people and is great for sharing the Gospel or engaging in discipleship. Since golf is the common interest, it builds relationship faster and allows for deeper conversation.

Our Vision
Making disciples through the game of golf.

Golf and the
Great Commission

Reaching nations through golf by impacting leaders in the spheres of society.